Wednesday 25 July 2007


Master Raimundo Irineu Serra was born in Maranhão, in 1892. In 1912, when he was 20 years old, he moved to Acre, heading to the rubber fields, in the border with Bolivia.
By that time, he met Antônio Costa, who knew the beverage Ayahuasca, and gave him the touch of initiation.
It is known that in his life of rubber tapper, in the contact with this beverage, fruit of the forest, he received the strength and the revelation to found the Doctrine of Santo Daime.
In 1930, he moved to Rio Branco, leaving behind the former ocupation. At this time he was 39 years old.
It was in Rio Branco that he found the fertile ground to germinate the seed of his mission of a Master. He beginned to group people around himself. He went on perfecting his work, until in 1935 he started receiving hymns. This chants were received from the astral or the spiritual reality. People say He didn't know how to sing nor had voice for that and that it was the spiritual Virgin Mother that tought him and ordered him to sing to teach his brothers (and sisters).
The hinário
O Cruzeiro* is this revelation: a new word, beautiful, simple - of an old teaching. It is the fruit of the Daime and its strong word. From this hymn book descends a pleiad of hymns in praise of God and His creation.
Well, talking about the
hinário O Cruzeiro*, of what it really means, is a very difficult task. Then I realise, for sure, loving this chants in my heart, I am fulfilling myself completely in the Spiritual Life.

Lúcio Mortimer, 30/08/1981

* hinário can mean hymn book, although it may mean the kind of work.
*O CRUZEIRO means THE CROSS, as in the Southern Cross.